public diplomacy

The U.S. Ambassador labored to get Congress to ratify a trade treaty that would grant “favored nation” status to Russia. Washington’s leading newspaper harshly criticized Russia for human rights violations. Russia’s secret police were reading all the Ambassador’s mail. The Czar was convinced that Washington was fomenting democracy rebellions inside his empire.

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid released a statement Tuesday night in which he boasted about his efforts to help Israel explain Operation Pillar of Defense to the international community and accused Avigdor Liberman’s Foreign Ministry of failing to cooperate with him. “I am trying to help in the public diplomacy effort with the foreign press,” Lapid wrote. “But despite my request, the Foreign Ministry did not agree to give me its message sheet so I could coordinate my positions with the official spokesmen.”

Indonesia was not on US President Barack Obama’s Southeast Asian itinerary as he made his first trip abroad since winning reelection. But like many visitors to Southeast Asia, he might have enjoyed a brief respite from worries back home when he was in our region.

Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu reached out to Israeli public diplomacy activists Monday in a video conference, as he paid tribute to their “focus on refuting the industry of lies” as “a significant addition for the State of Israel”.

November 23, 2012

Since the beginning of the Pillar of Defense counter-terror operation, the Ministry of Public Diplomacy has been working hard to get the facts out in face of Hamas’ false reports. The PR effort, which includes a media center, has been dubbed, “Israel Under Fire.” The diplomacy efforts are focused not only on the Western world, but on Israel’s Arabic-speaking neighbors.

The empire strikes back! Britain for the first time has toppled the US to emerge as the most powerful nation in the world when it comes to "soft power", according to a new UK survey. The survey found that Britain projects more positive influence around the world than any other nation.

The capital city is set to host Art Connection 2012, a cultural exchange between artistes of Odisha and Japan, from November 25. The eight-day festival will feature dance performances, workshops and exhibitions on traditional and contemporary art.

Eight Japanese lifeguards from Kanagawa Prefecture have begun a week-long exchange program that sees them training with Australian counterparts in Greenmount Beach, Coolangatta. Going on for the past 12 years, the program is a chance for the two countries to share their beach safety strategies.
