public diplomacy

The landmark films of Indian cinema that have enthralled generations of viewers over the past century will now travel across the world. As part of the Indian film industry's centennial celebrations, the government has envisaged an ambitious strategy to showcase the country's cinematic legacy by organising film festivals in major cities the world over.

Taiwanese expatriates around major U.S. cities and in Paris celebrated Taiwan's Double Ten National Day in advance on Saturday, with events ranging from a procession of Harley-Davidson motorcycles to a fair held in New York.

Hip-hop music is becoming increasingly popular in Saudi Arabia with the rise of young artists who are mainly influenced by American hip-hop culture. To enhance mutual understanding through cultural exchange, the US Embassy held a workshop by two American hip-hop artists Edan and Paten at the US Consulate General here recently. Both have received international attention and critical acclaim.

For many decades a notable exporting powerhouse in manufacturing, South Korea has become a significant cultural exporter in recent years. ''K-Pop'' music enjoys enormous popularity in Asia, as do Korean television dramas. The latter have even found a foothold in places such as Egypt, Iran, Turkey and Eastern Europe.

New Delhi : Cultural and linguistic boundaries blurred as Rabindranath Tagore's poetry was set to a dance and Hungarian poetry composed by national icons like Endre Ady was recited in Hindi and in Hungarian.

October 7, 2012

Saakashivili is the only person in the entire post-Soviet space who was not afraid to challenge and clean the ossified post-Communist system, remove its cronies and build the country of his dreams, even if many of his own fellow citizens discovered that it was difficult to find their place in the newly transformed state.

Japan has decided to change tack in promoting its claim to disputed islands in the East China Sea amid an escalation of tensions with China over the territorial dispute, highlighted by a recent verbal tit-for-tat with Beijing at the United Nations. Instead of taking the view that there's no need to proactively promote its cause, Japan plans to step up a PR campaign outlining its claim to the disputed Senkaku Islands.

October 7, 2012

Until recently, Beijing’s policy in Afghanistan could be characterized as masterful inactivity: It sat on the sidelines of a war that it wanted neither side to win. But the late September visit by security chief Zhou Yongkang, the first by a senior Chinese leader in almost five decades, is the most visible sign that the US 2014 withdrawal date is bringing that spectator status to an end.
