public diplomacy

September 14, 2012

The mayors of HCM City, Phnom Penh and Vientiane yesterday agreed they would work together towards making the Mekong Sub-region a single attractive tourism destination... The statement said the one tourism destination initiative would strengthen "the spirit of friendship, cooperation, and community development for ASEAN solidarity, peace, dynamism, innovation and sustainability."

The cultural common points between China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and the Arabic world will provide better opportunities to strengthen Sino-Arabic ties and promote development in various aspects, according to an Egyptian cultural official in Yinchuan on Wednesday.

United States’ Cultural Ambassador and visual artist Mary Mattingly will be in the Philippines from September 15 to October 31, 2012. The visit is part of the U.S. Department of State’s cultural diplomacy program, smART Power and the U.S. Embassy.

As part of its ground breaking cultural diplomacy initiative, the United States has invited popular Pakistani singer-songwriter duo Zeb and Haniya for a series of public performances in cities across the country.

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy and the International Visitor Leadership Program hosted a small round-table conversation about public diplomacy and the role of journalism in post-Gaddafi Libya with a group of seven Libyan reporters and media professionals.

On Monday, Sept. 10, the recently appointed Under Secretary of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Tara Sonenshine visited Drake to talk about the importance of International Student Exchange... During the discussion, Sonenshine focused on the benefits of both Americans studying abroad and international students coming to America, who serve not only as foreign ambassadors, but as large contributors to our economy.

Dozens of disappointing Pew polls later, with the United States government having earmarked vast sums of money for public diplomacy, you have to wonder whether Washington hasn’t run up a blind alley in its desire to be popular among Arabs. An obscure Israeli-American real estate developer in California uploads a video condemning the Prophet Mohammad, and mobs storm the American consulate in Benghazi, killing an ambassador.

American embassies across the globe have taken to Twitter over the last year or two, an impressive soft power outreach to citizens of foreign countries, but the Cairo feed has stood out. Other feeds, even when they tweet frequently, tend to take the staid tone of official diplomacy, tweeting press releases, quotes from U.S. officials, and relevant headlines.
