public diplomacy

The U.S. Navy is spending more than $20 million each year sending ships to poorer nations in the Asian-Pacific region to provide cataract surgery, dental fillings and other medical care... "The image of American power going abroad and bringing benefits to people all around the world... It builds the image of American power, of American soft power..."

The American embassy in Cairo’s response to Tuesday’s attacks in Egypt and Libya have raised new questions about the role of social media in diplomacy... “How do you govern in an era when Twitter is faster than the CIA?” said Philip Seib, author of the book “Real-Time Diplomacy: Politics and Power in the Social Media Era”.

Closer cooperation in the fields of trade, public diplomacy, and communication was advocated at the 5th South Asia Economic Summit which began in Islamabad on Tuesday. Speakers believed that, Pakistan and India can play a leading role for deeper regional integration as the two major nations of South Asia,

September 12, 2012

First of all, after the end of the Cold war, public opinion research demonstrates that in both countries the perception of the other side as an enemy decreased; in the United States it remains pretty stable, and the majority of Americans do not perceive Russia as a Cold-war-style adversary.

The Friendship Communication Organization has organized activities for foreign diplomats in more than 100 cities and regions, most recently in Hetian,a town located in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. It works closely together with local governments in order to design programs conducive to cultural and commercial exchanges.

The "2012 Confucius Institutes Joint Conference In Parts of Europe" was held on September 7 in the University of Vienna...132 Confucius Institutes and over 500 Confucius Classrooms have been built in 33 European countries, with a 970,000 total enrollment, said Xu Lin, director of the Office of Chinese Language Council International and the Confucius Institutes Headquarters.

Hoping her celebrity will bring attention to the widening Syrian refugee crisis, actress and U.N. envoy Angelina Jolie spoke of the horrors that children, many of them orphans, have witnessed in Syria..."The priority needs relate to health care, food aid, shelter, water and sanitation, and education..."

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said, “Showcasing favorite cuisines, ceremonies and values is an often overlooked and powerful tool of diplomacy. The meals that I share with my counterparts at home and abroad cultivate a stronger cultural understanding between countries and offer a unique setting to enhance the formal diplomacy we conduct every day.”
