public diplomacy

WASHINGTON – The use of mobile telephones and the Internet have soared in Nigeria in the past few years, with clear implications for BBG and VOA activity in West Africa.

These were the major findings of a survey released here this morning by the Broadcasting Board of Governors and Gallup organization.

WASHINGTON – The use of mobile telephones and the Internet have soared in Nigeria in the past few years, with clear implications for BBG and VOA activity in West Africa. These were the major findings of a survey released here this morning by the Broadcasting Board of Governors and Gallup organization.

As part of the ongoing Research Project on Confucius Institutes, led by CPD University Fellow Jian (Jay) Wang, CPD is pleased to introduce the newly updated and most comprehensive map of the locations of the Confucius Institutes and Classrooms across the United States.

As of 2010, there were 200 social media websites with billions of users worldwide. It is important to note that for some time now, the private sector has been capitalizing on social media, deploying the best and brightest to link branding, marketing and advertising campaigns and sales of products and services to social media users, applications, and websites.

Israel has unveiled the latest weapon with which it hopes to win over the hearts and minds of people in the former Soviet Union: Interpretive dance. The Public Diplomacy Ministry is sending a group of Israeli artists, including dance troupe Vizavi, on a tour of Baltic countries aimed at improving the country's image in the region.

North Korea is stepping up diplomatic efforts to induce more assistance and investment critical to rejuvenating its antiquated economy and underpinning the new leadership’s power base. International sanctions against its missile and nuclear programs have stalled foreign aid and derailed cross-border economic cooperation.

Israeli politicians joined criticism of Apple on Thursday over a new phone application of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a notorious early-20th-century anti-Semitic forgery, recently made available on its iTunes store. Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein called on the electronics giant to ban the app, arguing it perpetuated the canard of a Jewish international conspiracy to take over the world.

The trip is purposely to promote cultural understanding, academic development, youth exchanges, raising awareness of public health and environmental protection between the young people of ROC (Taiwan) and it’s diplomatic allied countries, the youth-oriented public diplomacy was initiated by ROC (Taiwan) President Ma Ying-Jeou, in 2009.
