public diplomacy

At various times I have heard public diplomacy programs referred to as “public relations” or simply as “propaganda”. It is a common misunderstanding. Public diplomacy is supposed to be about informing others about your society and how things work in a truthful and unvarnished fashion. It is not supposed to be about presenting a pretty picture or covering-up warts.

Thirteen Afghan parliamentarians just completed a visitor program on "The Role of the Legislative Branch in a Democracy." Ten young women from Iraq deepened their understanding of research in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields at Smith College.

The American Center in New Delhi organized an interactive session for a young group of professionals and students from India with Ms. Heather Smith, President of the American non-profit, Rock the Vote, a unique opportunity for the participants to learn about RTV’s “Democracy program” that uses music, popular culture, new technologies and grassroots mobilization to motivate young people to participate in election.

August 14, 2012

“Subsequently, I have been asked via the Cuban Embassy in South Africa – my initial contact in South Africa – whether I would be able to have a performance dedicated to the ANC centenary celebrations in Bloemfontein on September 24. I have been working with the embassy and DAC on producing this tour which ends with this performance.”

August 14, 2012

Recently, American Voices held its annual Youth Excellence on Stage (YES) Academy in the city of Duhok, in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. American Voices, the nonprofit for which I am the Director of Communications, conducts cultural diplomacy to countries emerging from conflict or isolation.

Last week, the American Center in New Delhi organized an interactive session for a young group of professionals and students from India with Ms. Heather Smith, President of the American non-profit, Rock the Vote. This was a unique opportunity for the participants to interact via digital video conferencing with Ms.

Nye has been one of America's leading political scientists, and a peacenik who has lectured on almost anything in relation to diplomatic politics except the arts. Now he has reached them at the international culture summit in Edinburgh, where he will debate "the role of arts and culture in deepening relationships between culture and nations".
