public diplomacy

"A lot of people are really excited that we are opening the Arabic Film Festival with a Palestinian film," said Fadia Abboud, a community worker at the Parramatta-based Information and Cultural Exchange, which has organised the festival.

The Rio+20 summit produced a largely meaningless document that failed to address the daunting environmental challenges the world faces.

Growing conflicts over who owns water and how to manage it are emerging all over the world. Although debates at the UN and among civil society have moved toward the recognition of water as a basic human right, the United States still lags behind.

The United Nations General Assembly today adopted by consensus, the “International Day of Happiness.”

he U.S. Government is committed to expanding trade and investment in sub-Saharan Africa and the numbers show our commitment. U.S. trade to and from Africa has grown significantly in the past ten years.

Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf today called for the projection of the soft image of Pakistan through public diplomacy by encouraging people-to-people contacts, cultural exchanges and promotion of business and trade

The Obama administration announced Thursday that it will exempt China and Singapore from economic sanctions for the next 180 days because the two countries have significantly decreased their crude oil imports from Iran.

Despite close economic interests ties, culturally the two countries are still in the getting to know each other phase.
