public diplomacy

Japan's investment and skills are crucial to Kosovo's development, but the country also has much to offer Japanese businesses seeking opportunities in the region, visiting Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci told The Japan Times in an interview Thursday.

June 8, 2012

The Chief Minister’s presence in the UK could not have been timed or planned any better, even if the Government had attempted to strategically get Mr. Picardo to meet the likes of David Cameron, Nick Clegg or even have lunch with William Hague at his residence and then go on to meet the UK Chancellor.

Students from an American Indian high school on a 10-day cultural exchange to New Zealand will take incredible memories, new friends and a better appreciation of their own culture back to New Mexico.

India and Bangladesh share 54 rivers between them. Despite setting up a Joint River Commission for water management as early as 1972, tensions between the countries on how to share resources recently came to a head in a dispute over the Teesta River. At stake are the lives of countless people from West Bengal and Bangladesh who depend upon the river for survival.

June 8, 2012

It is time somebody blew the whistle on the crippling affliction of severe understaffing in the ministry of external affairs (MEA). India is served by the smallest diplomatic corps of any major country, not just far smaller than the big powers but by comparison with most of the larger emerging countries.

The Netherlands has closed five embassies in Africa, but opened one in South Sudan. On Thursday, Caretaker Deputy Development Cooperation Minister Ben Knapen came to the fledgling country to perform the ceremony. Radio Netherlands Worldwide correspondent Koert Lindijer went with him. He questions the choice for South Sudan and Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders' involvement.

My reading list this summer is longer than in years past due to the the sheer volume of new work critical to those in the global engagement, corproate diplomacy and public diplomacy spheres.

June 8, 2012

Although London has staged an annual Palestinian film festival since 1999, it has yet to hold an Israeli film festival. But June 14 sees the launch of Seret, a festival of Israeli film and television. The festival’s sponsors include the Israeli Embassy, the British Council and Bi-Arts, a joint initiative of the Israeli and British governments.
