CPD Director Spoke at The Heritage Foundation about Real Time Diplomacy

CPD Director, Philip Seib, discussed his latest book Real-Time Diplomacy: Politics and Power in the Social Media Era at The Heritage Foundation.

The Heritage Foundation's Senior Fellow for Public Diplomacy Helle Dale moderated the event with U.S. Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Mike Hammer and Heritage's Director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies James Jay Carafano.

In this book talk, Seib analyzed the essential, but often unhappy, marriage between diplomacy and new media, evaluating media's reach and influence, and determining how policy makers might take advantage of media's real-time capabilities rather than being driven by them.

For more event information, visit the Heritage Foundation's website.

To read the Center's announcement about the recent publication of Real-Time Diplomacy please click here.

Order your copy of Real-Time Diplomacy today.

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