arab spring

CPD Research Fellow Lindsay Benstead's analysis of Arab Barometer data from 15 countries spanning the decade between 2006 and 2016.

CPD Research Fellow Mieczysław Boduszyński examines the U.S.' democracy promotion in the Arab world since 2011.

A book on the Arab Spring, research on "fortress embassies," and more.

Principal Investigator:
Lindsay J. Bernstead, CPD Research Fellow 2017-19

The August 2016 must-reads in PD scholarship from Bruce Gregory
In the midst of all this turmoil, Arab diplomacy has been strangely absent. Some Arab countries have been providing military support for different protagonists in different conflicts, notably in Libya, Yemen, and in the war against terrorism in Syria and Iraq. Where, however, is Arab diplomacy? What diplomatic efforts are being made in every one of these cases are being led by non-Arabs or non-Arab organizations.