
See our interactive map of the 2015 World Expo in Milan!

Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has described claims that militants linked to Islamic State brought down a Russian airliner as "propaganda" […] "When there is propaganda that it crashed because of Isis (IS), this is one way to damage the stability and security of Egypt and the image of Egypt. Believe me, the situation in Sinai - especially in this limited area - is under our full control."

See our interactive map of the 2015 World Expo in Milan!

See our interactive map of the 2015 World Expo in Milan!

[...] Joseph Stalin's forced 1930's famine against millions of peasants – the majority Ukrainian – a policy of collectivization that led to mass starvation of millions of people. Attempts at reinterpretation were highlighted most recently by the Kremlin-funded propaganda outlet Sputnik News which ran this English-language piece 'Holodomor Hoax: The Anatomy of a Lie Invented by West's Propaganda Machine'.
