
China has dramatically scaled up its global loan book over the past five years by dealing with countries largely ignored by Western lenders, whether for political reasons (Russia) or economic (Argentina). 

America’s top diplomat for Europe denounced Russian state-media coverage of the Ukraine crisis on Tuesday and belittled the Kremlin’s propaganda efforts in the United States as fallacious and ineffective. “All you have to do is look at RT’s tiny, tiny audience in the United States to understand what happens when you broadcast untruths in a media space that is full of dynamic, truthful opinion,” said Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, referring to the Kremlin-backed global media company. 

The Russian communications and media watchdog Roskomnadzor and representatives from CNN International have expressed an interest in resuming CNN broadcasting in Russia, the press release on the Roskomnadzor's website said Tuesday.

While Spaso House is not neglecting digital diplomacy under Ambassador Tefft, the online buzz generated by Ambassador McFaul in Russia certainly seems to have dissipated in a big way.

A Russian initiative to host peace talks this month between the Syrian government and its opponents appears to be unraveling as prominent Syrian opposition figures shun the prospective negotiations amid deep distrust of Moscow and concerns the talks hold no chance of success.

CNN International news channel, which withdrew from Russian cable networks from December 31, 2014, hopes to have talks on its coming back to Russia with Russia’s oversight authority in the sphere of the mass media (Roskomnadzor) before the end of January.

A pro-Putin rally near the Kremlin, 2012.

Michael Ardaiolo takes stock of the current state of public diplomacy.

The ten most notable PD stories from 2014.
