science diplomacy
One reason for this is the issue of global power relations, which influence how markets are organised and who benefits from technological progress. Innovation systems are not neutral — the effects of purely market-led science and technology efforts and associated innovations tend to aggravate existing inequalities.
Australia is world famous for its beautiful and productive natural assets, the unique lifestyle and friendly people. But this is only part of the story. The challenge is ensuring Australia is known for being clever and not just beautiful; to make sure the achievements of our scientists, designers, artists and entrepreneurs are acknowledged, helping them to compete globally.
SESAME actually stands for 'Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East' and will be the region's first major multi-country scientific research center. It's being developed under the auspices of UNESCO and is scheduled to open fully in Jordan in 2015.

While tensions remain high between the United States and North Korea, the relationship is more cordial between their scientists....Scientists from both nations are collaborating via nongovernmental organizations and universities on projects ranging from tuberculosis research and deforestation issues to digital information technology.
The civil unrest that erupted in Syria in March last year has left the country's scientific community in turmoil, researchers say. Heavy cuts have been made to research budgets, and work at the majority of Syria's universities and research centres has ground to a halt.

On April 16, 2012, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy was pleased to host a briefing in Washington, D.C. as a follow-up to its February 27 conference at USC - Water Diplomacy: A Foreign Policy Imperative.
The Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and the Foreign Ministry have introduced a new field in diplomacy called “science diplomacy,” in which Turkey will be assigning “science attachés” to technologically developed countries.