social media diplomacy
The United Nations OCHA has launched an advocacy campaign that bring awareness to civilian casualties in war.
Ministers in the UK are considering creating an internet ombudsman to deal with complaints about hate crimes and are pressing ahead with proposals for a levy on social media companies to help pay for the policing of online offenses. [...] The idea of an internet ombudsman is already being developed in France and Australia. Each country is creating an agency to act as an independent body that will mediate between members of the public and social media firms.

Jeffrey Robertson discusses the importance of embassy websites in addition to social media.

Olga Krasnyak discusses how disputes over historical memory in Russia and the Baltic States have played out on social media.

Chris Hensman & Shawn Powers discuss how the rise of digital technology poses a threat to PD practitioners.

A look at how non-state actors like celebrities influence foreign policy and global politics.