social media

How would you define PD?
Any communications strategy, from advertising to propaganda to social media to whatever you want to call it, plays second to reality -- actions really do speak louder than words

Putting aside the problematic use of terms, what we learned from US citizens abroad was that our public diplomacy strategy was paralysed. But this was not entirely true, considering the new smart marketing and public relations campaigns the US was engaged in under Charlotte Beers’ innovative leadership as Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs.

When presenting our age to eager students, it is already evident that history books will one day devote a chapter to the so-called "social web." Political and social historians, we imagine, will analyze how the social web impacted public institutions...

Tthe US Peace Corps is reopening operations in Tunisia. The first group of volunteers is scheduled to arrive this year and their assignments will focus on English language training and youth skills development in order to help prepare Tunisian students and professionals for future employment.

Five months ago Sweden went viral on the social web through its initiative Curators of Sweden. A new Swede takes over the country's official Twitter account @sweden every week to share anything Swedish...the initiative is regarded a global success

APDS Blogger: Riccardo Ruffolo

On the last day of the Masters of Public Diplomacy delegation’s visit to Washington D.C., some of us had the opportunity to visit the Delegation of the European Union to the United States. The delegation included University of Southern California alumna and Senior Communications Advisor, Stacy Hope; Assistant Press Officer, Ren Althouse; and three Press & Public Diplomacy (PPD) interns.

Voices of the next generation will have the chance to participate in an exclusive global conversation with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon via a Google+ Hangout from the United Nations headquarters...Youths from Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States will be able to ask questions on issues that matter to them.

Social media has enabled citizen journalists with the ability to create and distribute content across the globe. It allowed millions of strangers to unite behind the cause of greater freedom and economic opportunity and organize mass demonstrations...
