social media

Indonesian diplomats are being encouraged to keep up with the rapid development of technology and communication tools by exploring the use of new media in the Foreign Ministry's leadership programs. [...] progress of technology demanded an adaptive attitude to innovations in politics, diplomacy and global communication...

It is bringing together some 50 diplomats and scholars from 25 countries to look at how states are using digital platforms as a diplomatic tool. The conference is dealing with a number of issues that are arising as a result of the use of social media by foreign ministries around the world, including the need to train diplomats in social media engagement, ways to evaluate the impact, and the intersect between digital diplomacy, public diplomacy, and nation branding.

Barack Obama & iPhone by Janeb13

Burson-Marsteller's new report breaks down the digital diplomacy of world leaders on Facebook.

A new video campaign seeks to turn the "see something, say something" mantra on its head. Released by progressive nonprofit People For the American Way this week, the 49-second advertisement urges viewers to "pledge that when I see anti-Muslim bigotry, I'll call it out and make clear that religious discrimination has never been the American way."

Mark Zuckerbeg’s charm offensive in China won’t let up. [...] Zuckerberg’s goal, of course, is to bring Facebook to China, which has been blocked by Beijing since 2009. Adding just half of China’s 668 million internet users to Facebook would increase the social network’s total by 20%—and create a lucrative new market for advertising and publishing.

 NATO's hovedkvarter by Utenriksdepartementet UD

Building on Bjola's recent analysis of NATO's online bubble, Manor looks at NATO's network.
