social media

Freshly elected Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen disappeared from China's most popular social network on Saturday (Jan 16), with censors working swiftly to block any mention of the Beijing-wary politician as she stormed to victory on the island.

Which is why the release of Dinner Décor – a How-To Guide for Fabulous Centrepieces by Amita Sathe Bambawale, the wife of India’s newly appointed ambassador to Pakistan, Gautam Bambawale, is so timely. [...] every page is an ode to the ingenuity that so many diplomatic wives draw on, as part of their “job” – an unpaid and unheralded one, it may be noted. 

The most recent cartoon on refugees by the French satirical magazine "Charlie Hebdo" is highly controversial. It depicts the drowned Aylan Kurdi as a sex offender - and many find this utterly tasteless.


Degree centrality and social media's impact on public diplomacy. 

A South Korean civic group said Tuesday it has opened a new Internet site on how to groom civilians, especially young students, to widen their reach on and awareness of social networking services, as part of its push for digital diplomacy.

On Friday, State Department officials announced that they would revamp their efforts to counter ISIS messaging online — among other ways, by opening a new “Global Engagement Center.” That same day, the President and various high-ranking members of the national security establishment met with representatives from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other Internet powerhouses to discuss how the United States can fight ISIS messaging via social media.

The Obama administration announced a major revamp on Friday of its campaign to counter Isis propaganda amid mounting public anxiety about the group’s ability to encourage attacks within the US.The White House said that it was setting up a new counter-terrorism task force that will develop policies to prevent the radicalisation of potential terrorists. ​

The Obama administration on Friday announced an overhaul of its efforts to respond to online propaganda from the Islamic State after months of acknowledgments that it had largely failed in its attempts to counter extremist recruitment and exhortations to violence on social media. The administration has emphasized that it needs the assistance of some of the nation’s biggest technology companies, and a group of top White House and national security officials flew to California on Friday to plead their case with executives.
