social media

Hashtags around race like #icantbreathe #Blacklivesmatter found their way into many feeds, pushed themselves into wider view, and forced a reckoning. [...] African-American struggles have inspired and tactically informed anti-caste activism. But could Dalit-Bahujan Twitter exert a similar force, in India?

Led by the inter-agency Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC), the Obama administration has taken the war on ISIS to social media platforms such as Twitter and YouTube, where such initiatives as the Think Again Turn Away (@ThinkAgain_DOS) have emerged. This campaign aims to counter-radicalization and dissuade young Muslims from joining ISIS.

As ambitious as that may sound–trying to raise the living quality for the planet’s poorest billion people–Global Citizen, an innovative initiative to improve matters of poverty and inequality worldwide, has rapidly gained popularity and influence

It is China’s heightened interest in South African media, however, which has raised questions about the country’s intentions and objectives which could be viewed as the seeking of “soft power”, or how it can leverage its perception and influence on the continent.

Social Media apps

A how-to guide for skillful social media use.

Differing with Under Secretary Stengel’s more optimistic assessment, two senior Google executives said that ISIS’ voice is “a lot larger” and “a lot louder” on the Internet than the voice of its opponents in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Bedouin family

The challenges of countering ISIL's shrewd use of social media.

Done well, digital diplomacy ought to be the use of technology to deliver soft power and public policy messages, alongside the ability to engage with wider audiences of both state and non-state actors and use that feedback loop to understand more and to deliver better policy.
