social media

Data visualization from the 2015 UK election campaign

Ali Fisher on the diplomatic potential of campaign-related tweets.

Australia's approach to digital diplomacy is second-rate and entirely inadequate for a nation that sees itself as 'a top 20 country'. Despite an expanded social media presence, Australia continues to lag far behind other countries – large and small – that are investing serious resources into building up their digital diplomacy capabilities.

When writing about digital diplomacy, scholars tend to focus on its present practice and future potential. Yet we may also benefit from exploring its past and identifying the processes and events that have contributed to its evolution. 

The first neutrodyne radio receiver, 1923

Ilan Manor puts digital diplomacy in context.

This article analyzes the effects and impact of new media technologies on traditional public diplomacy practices through the lens of the U.S. Embassy in China's use of the micro-blogging platform Weibo. 

If content is what drives good websites, than information is what drives good digital diplomacy profiles...The more information one publishes, the greater the number of peers one will attract.
