soft power

February 12, 2011

The time to evaluate the impact of this issue on the vital strategic relationship between the two countries will come later. But at least in one significant respect, Pakistan-US ties are already badly damaged. And this relates to the nature and direction of public discourse in Pakistan about the United States.

The U.S. Department of Defense released its first-ever National Security Space Strategy (NSSS), on Feb. 4. The document "seeks to maintain and enhance the national security benefits" the United States derives from its activities and capabilities in space.

The Kingdom of Swaziland is currently being let down by non- existence of an effective communication strategy and information dissemination machinery.

As India asserts itself within the global power dynamic, India is having a vibrant discussion about public diplomacy and how to engage in channels of public diplomacy as a means to project its emergence.

A US-based Iranian journalist and analyst speaking at the Herzliya Conference on Wednesday urged the West to combine sanctions with human rights activism to curb Teheran’s nuclear ambitions.

The 2011 Taipei International Book Exhibition is now underway at the Taipei World Trade Center. President Ma Ying-jeou spoke at the opening ceremony on Wednesday. He said that Taiwan's "publishing power" is not only an important form of soft power for the Republic of China, which is the official name of Taiwan.

February 8, 2011

Ten years and two wars after 9/11, America’s struggle against Islamist terrorism is nowhere close to succeeding. And there is no better admission of failure than new airport security procedures to grope and fondle Americans. But if a superpower like America can’t vanquish this scourge, is there any force in the world that can?

It is understandable that the UK government worries about immigration. By limiting student visas to bring down migrant numbers, however, the coalition risks harming Britain’s world-class higher education system. Theresa May, home secretary, should rethink this plan.
