soft power

Despite headline-grabbing reports of repression of China’s nascent civil society, there are unmistakable signs in China of the emergence of new organizations and the willingness of government to work with them.

In his new book “The Future of Power,” Joseph S. Nye Jr. analyses the changing nature of power in the 21st century as upheavals man-made and environmental alter the global terrain and as both state and non-state entities jostle for dominance

A singing and dancing performance staged by the Taiwan Aboriginal Art Group at the 6th MIFA International Exchange Festival in Tokyo on Sunday earned the acclaim of the audience.

From former President George Bush's Freedom Strategy to President Barack Obama's Islamic policy, Washington has pursued a dual approach in the turbulent Mideast: supporting military-based alliances with authoritarian regimes; while urging popular agitation for free and fair elections.

February 4, 2011

It is not often that an academic concept gains rapid traction in public sphere. After Joseph Nye published a slim volume on “soft power” a few years ago, the idea became the rage in foreign offices and think tanks around the world.

February 4, 2011

As Arab regimes struggle with demonstrations fueled by Twitter and Al Jazeera, and U.S. diplomats try to understand the impact of WikiLeaks, it is clear that this global information age will require a more sophisticated understanding of how power works in world politics.

China honored its Lunar New Year on February 3, welcoming the Year of the Rabbit...Although traditionally a Chinese holiday, the Lunar New Year is observed all over the world . We wanted to see what it looked like, so we teamed up with Flickr.

In Egypt - as well as Tunisia, Sudan, Yemen and elsewhere - change is unfolding very rapidly. The reactions of the USA, EU, UN, and have positioned the international community well behind the curve. Developments on the ground have outpaced responses by a wide margin.
