sports diplomacy

Brazil launched its occupation strategy in 2008, the year after it won the right to host the 2014 World Cup and a year before Rio won its bid to host the 2016 Summer Olympics […] human-rights campaigners argue that armed conflict has increased as a result of major sporting events, imposing a particularly high cost on poor and homeless children.

When Jake Agna first stepped on the courts of the National Tennis Center in Havana he was shocked. The courts hadn’t received maintenance in years. Nets were being held up by chairs. But at the same time he was surprised by the enthusiasm and talent.

Both countries will collaborate in the areas of cultural, sports exchange, media, science, technology, and health care. The government of China will increase the number of Chinese government scholarships [...] China's pledges its commitment to The Bahamas Climate change and environmental protection. 

Netball Australia is proud to be a key partner in the Australian Government’s $1.4 million Asian Sports Partnership (ASP) program [...]. Under the program, [...] One Netball Asia which will work with countries within the Asian Netball Federation to increase participation levels among women and girls in netball and contribute to health and leadership outcomes. 

At the fourth annual Palestine Marathon, running, politics and community intersected, resulting in a mishmash of intention and intensity. Serious marathoners mingled with local kids in jeans and T-shirts [...] The race, which is put on by the non-profit global running community Right to Movement and dedicated to “telling a different story of Palestine” 

No denying that sports and games do great branding for a country. When Mabia Akter Simanta, a weightlifter from Bangladesh won the first gold for her country at the 2016th South Asian games and stood on the victory stand, tears rolled down her cheek. It was tears of joy and happiness. 

The political agency of sports is often downplayed in popular conversation, if not totally ruled out. [...] Championing the team aspect of sports culture, athletic organizations have historically found a political voice against discrimination. Most recently, North Carolina’s sports teams have directed their energy against the state’s recent homophobic legislation.

Former teacher and professional wrestler Hiroshi Hase, Japan’s Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, discusses the impact the 2020 Olympics is having on the country’s infrastructure, attitude to sport, education sector, and spirit of innovation.
