united kingdom

Northern Ireland has been suffering from annual outbreaks of violence as leaders of the divided region try to establish a long-term solution to the thorny issue of parades. The parades are held each year to commemorate the Battle of the Boyne, in which the Protestant King William III defeated the ousted Catholic King James II in 1690. After a stand-off between 5,000 marchers and the police, Unionist rioters set fire to cars and threw petrol bombs, bricks and other missiles at police, burned flags of the mainly Catholic Irish Republic and played sectarian tunes outside Catholic churches.

The British higher education system is in the middle of a quiet revolution, tilting relatively quickly towards an American-style market-based approach favored by the current coalition government. The government has laid out plans to cut government funding for universities by 40% by 2014. But that money has to come from somewhere. And it will likely be students. But such tuition caps don’t apply to students from outside the European Union, which is a large part of the reason the UK just unveiled a new strategic effort to attract students from overseas.

BBC World News will launch its international HD channel on Arabsat on August 5. Arabsat will be the BBC’s first distribution partner in the Middle East to offer the news channel in HD. In January, BBC World News’ unveiled its new look, following a re-launch from the heart of the BBC Newsroom at Broadcasting House in central London.

Another day, another parliamentary committee investigating the future of aid, this time the House of Lords select committee on soft power and the UK's influence. Soft power is the concept by Joseph Nye to describe ways in which countries nudge and cajole rather than pay or use force to further their interests. Or, as the committee's chairman put it, it is a way to "promote Britain's reputation, protect its interests and ensure security in a world where the military methods of the last century or two don't always work".

The BBC launched a new morning radio show in Nepal August 1. The BBC Nepali 15-minute show began at 7:15 a.m. local time, broadcasting regional and international news. From Kathmandu, the station airs on 103 FM, re-broadcasting via a nationwide network of 260 FM stations. "The BBC has a strong audience base in Nepal, and this expansion of radio programming shows our commitment to providing these audiences with highest-quality news and information,” said BBC Nepali Editor Rabindra Mishra.

Soft power is influence. I do blither on about the soft power of the arts, especially literature, but I’m not wrong. The act of reading changes the world more and for the better than war does, and since Britain is one of the most prolifically literate nations on earth, it still has a say in how the planet is run (badly but it could be worse). Britain, a tiny island, still rates, and soft power is its currency.

The Liberal Democrat president, Tim Farron, has called for the government's new billboards to be shredded. Nigel Farage said it was a nasty campaign with elements of Big Brother. The text on the ads runs: "In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest." It continues: "106 arrests last week in your area*." The asterisk is there to indicate that this is a made-up figure, relating to no particular area, and no particular week.

Marking the anniversary of the London 2012 Olympic Games the Prime Minister’s Legacy Ambassador Sebastian Coe, Olympic gymnast and 2012 medal winner Beth Tweddle, Wheelchair Rugby 2012 Team Captain Steve Brown and Paralympic Equestrian 2012 medal winner Sophie Christiansen share their memories of the Games and talk about the legacy of the Games in Britain and around the world.
