united nations
Actually, the thought of integration came from President Ho Chi Minh. In December 1946, he sent a letter sent to the United Nations, written in French, with the following content: Vietnam is ready to open its doors for foreign businesses and experts to do business in Vietnam, and allow other countries to use Vietnam’s roads, ports and airports for transit.
The new sanctions target North Korea's hard currency revenues by placing a "hard, binding cap" on coal exports, cutting them by at least 62 percent, capping them at around $400 million or 7.5 million tons, diplomats said. According to the Global Trade Atlas, China is on track to import nearly $1 billion worth of coal from North Korea in 2016 despite a previous sanctions regime.

Read CPD's interview with the UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information
WHO and UNFPA are scaling up primary and reproductive health services in eastern Mosul to ensure life-saving care for more than 60,000 people living near the front lines. Two WHO mobile medical clinics were deployed to eastern Mosul as soon as access was possible, marking the first time that health aid reached people in the area since June 2014.
The 2016 UN climate conference ended last week with reaffirmation by nearly 200 countries of their "highest political commitment" to combating global warming. With the landmark Paris agreement now ratified, the conference delivered what former US Vice President Al Gore called a "bold vision that sets the pace for the world's efforts to implement the deal".
The extent to which violence is embedded in society means that uprooting it is everyone’s job, senior United Nations official said today, lamenting that violence against women and girls continue to be a low priority on the international development agenda and urging more action – and more funding – to end the pandemic of such violence now, once and for all.
The strengthening cooperation between the United Nations World Food Program and the Korean government is helping eradicate poverty worldwide and equipping communities against future disasters, the humanitarian agency’s leading official said during a visit to Korea in early November.
The Women’s Situation Room (WSR), a women’s peace building mechanism that mitigates conflict before, during and after elections in Africa has been replicated in Ghana. It is a non-partisan and neutral process that mobilises women in collaboration with the youth to engage stakeholders to support the women’s call for peaceful elections as a peace and security measure in accordance with UNSCR Resolution 1325.