united states

While China and the United States have generally competed for influence in Africa, a new Chinese proposal might be looking to change that competition into greater cooperation, particularly in the area of international development.  China has invited the United States to cooperate bilaterally on international development aid in Africa. 

Aleppo City

Maintaining order in some areas of the failed state is a constant struggle against anarchy. The Integrated Community Security Program (ICSP) may be the answer.

If the United States hopes to maintain a level of influence in the world commensurate with its economic and military strength, it must modernize and dramatically improve some of its soft-power foreign policy tools. Many of those tools have proven ineffective, and fail to reflect the transformational changes in the past two decades prompted by technology, connectivity, and global markets.

Basketball Diplomacy: Lunch with the North Korean Team (VICE on HBO Ep. #10 Extended)

Watch this video about Ryan Duffy and Dennis Rodman’s trip to North Korea to exercise Basketball Diplomacy with Kim Jong Un.

The same diplomatic maneuvering is practiced in any series of international negotiations, but in this case, the fog of diplomacy was more dense than usual. One reason is that the Obama administration felt that it had to manage the public discourse about the negotiations in the United States to avoid losing control of public opinion to the pro-Israeli right in Congress.

August 5, 2014

To coincide with this week's U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, D.C. hosted by President Obama, CPD has put together some of our key materials over the years touching on public diplomacy in and by African countries.

A Cautionary Tale of Soft Power Promotion
(Jul 2014) A review of Howard French's book on China's investment in Africa.

Japan imposed new sanctions against Russia on Tuesday that were more limited than those announced last month by the United States, a move that analysts said illustrates Tokyo’s conflicting desires to show solidarity with Washington while also keeping the door open to improving ties with Moscow.

An Obama administration program secretly dispatched young Latin Americans to Cuba using the cover of health and civic programs to provoke political change, a clandestine operation that put those foreigners in danger even after a U.S. contractor was hauled away to a Cuban jail. Beginning as early as October 2009, a project overseen by the U.S. Agency for International Development sent Venezuelan, Costa Rican and Peruvian young people to Cuba in hopes of ginning up rebellion.
