united states
Americans have a complicated relationship with authenticity. We celebrate our national ability to reinvent our lives, to leave the past behind or get a makeover , but we simultaneously bemoan the absence of an authentic American culture.
A statue of former US President Ronald Reagan has been unveiled at a ceremony outside the American embassy in central London. The 10-foot bronze statue was specially commissioned to "recognise Mr Reagan's contribution to ending the Cold War".
Changing American hearts and minds about Russia has been Voice of Russia's mission since it first went on the air in 1929, broadcasting from Moscow via short-wave radio. It still does use short wave but with the Internet, Facebook and Twitter, that seems like a blast from the past. VOR is turning to...a new studio in downtown Washington.
By contrast, American universities abroad educate their audiences, conveying lasting values beyond the catchy but transient phrases put forth by this or that administration in fitful attempts at public diplomacy. American universities abroad do not propagandize but rather impart what is most valuable about American achievements.
The rock band Radiohead has made a move to join the world of social networking in China. The group has been critical of the Chinese government’s censorship in the past...but the band has started a page on the “weibo” site of Sina.com, which has been described as the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.
The stakes are high for China as it seeks to penetrate the global film market. The government and private companies are pouring significant resources into the film industry; officials are eager to boost their country's cultural exports in a way that matches the already booming business in factory goods. Yet Chinese movies have remained a largely local affair, experts say.
Uniting families and promoting cultural exchange by ensuring opportunity to travel for all citizens should become a priority for all nations. Less political posturing and more "people to people" interaction through tourism is good for the future of humanity.