united states
In the last hundred days, the world has seen not only how weak and divided are the European members of NATO, but also how the once-celebrated European notion of "soft power" means very little in the world of perpetually savage nations. What stops China from carving out a new co-prosperity sphere in Asian waters...
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are the most glamorous young couple in the world. They have the capacity to do great things, not just for the monarchy but also for Britain on their foreign trips and it is the Commonwealth countries that should be their priority in the years to come.
It is absolutely clear that the Syrian government is running out of time. They are either going to allow a serious political process...and engage in a productive dialogue with members of the opposition and civil society, or they're going to continue to see increasingly organized resistance,
Washington’s close Kurdish allies cracked down hard. After 62 days of street protests, 10 people were dead. The carefully crafted image of Kurdistan as a democratic island in an ocean of regional dictatorship was in tatters.
The downsizing of the annual Canada Day celebrations at Canada's flagship embassy in the U.S. capital may seem like sensible belt-tightening to some, regardless of the griping by ex-pats about this year's much smaller Pennsylvania Avenue shindig.
When looking at the attitudes towards the United States in the Middle East, it is clear that we have not made a dent. Regrettably, the turnover at the U.S. State Department in public diplomacy has produced sporadic performance and a see-saw of differing priorities.
"We believe, given the changing political landscape in Egypt, that it is in the interests of the United States to engage with all parties that are peaceful, and committed to non-violence, that intend to compete for the parliament and the presidency," Clinton told reporters at a news conference.