united states

American country and pop singer/songwriter, Kareem Salama will depart the U.S. for Cairo to begin a seven-country, one-month tour of the Middle East. Salama will be accompanied by three other accomplished musicians: Dan Workman, JJ Worthen and Michael Whitebread.

April 21, 2010

In thinking on this notion of hidden power, I’m amazed that with all the talk since 9/11 of soft, then smart power strategies, its incredible that there’s nary a mention of the sources of hidden power in our public diplomacy efforts.

For the past 18 months, foreign policy has been a distinctly secondary concern for U.S. President Barack Obama, in spite of still-hot wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, nuclear diplomacy with Russia, and simmering crises in Iran and North Korea

For the last 20 years, politicians, diplomats, and green activists alike have assumed that dealing with global warming would require a United Nations agreement on the transfer of clean energy technologies from rich countries to poor ones

China has proposed changes to a U.S.-drafted resolution that would impose tough new sanctions against Iran to pressure the Islamic Republic to start negotiations on its suspect nuclear program, U.N. diplomats said Wednesday.

New Jersey restaurateur Robert Egan barbecues meat for a living, except when he acts as a self-appointed, unofficial conduit between the United States and North Korea.

April 21, 2010

This week I’m obsessed with the notion of Hidden Power. Am reading Kati Marton’s most excellent book on the subject, which focuses on Presidential marriages that shaped our nation’s history.

Technology experts in Washington, DC say the recent blocking of Voice of America radio and Internet broadcasts by the Ethiopian government is likely to have a negative long term impact... The prime minster of Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi, accuses VOA of broadcasting destabilizing propaganda...
