united states

How do you know when there's a real crisis in U.S.-Israel relations? It’s when the president of the United States convenes a nuclear security summit to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions, and the Israeli prime minister declines the invitation.

Why is American foreign policy so diplomatically light but so militarily heavy? No, I'm not imagining things. And it's been that way for decades – George W. Bush and Dick Cheney just pushed the envelope further in that direction after 9/11.

Israel's defense minister expressed concern Monday about deteriorating relations with the United States and warned that "the growing alienation" with President Obama's administration "is not a good thing for the state of Israel."

The city of Miami, Florida, is an oasis of swaying palm trees, white beaches, yachts and gigantic tour ships in the harbor, a handy monorail transit system that winds all through downtown, and boutiques and clubs in a trendy shopping plaza called Coconut Grove.

Over two sessions, Mrs. Zavala and Mrs. Obama -- who are developing a warm relationship -- talked about drug addiction, underage Mexican migrants to the United States, diabetes and obesity. Childhood obesity is one of Mrs. Obama's issues.

Views of the US around the world have improved sharply over the past year, according to a BBC World Service poll. For the first time since the annual poll began in 2005, America's influence in the world is now seen as more positive than negative.

One of my Kabul press corps colleagues once described covering President Hamid Karzai’s government and the Western diplomats who are supposed to be supporting it as a lot like being friends with a couple while they go through a savage divorce.

We need to do something to deprive both sides of any excuse not to engage in serious negotiations," Mr. Clinton said in an interview aired Sunday on ABC's "This Week." "If this is the tactic he decides to adopt, I will strongly support it.
