united states

Gilbert A. Robinson, former ambassador-at-large and special adviser to Secretary of State George Shultz, was honored today by Virginia’s Roanoke College with the highest award given to an alumnus, the Roanoke College Medal.

First lady Michelle Obama stepped into a more prominent, more ambitious role on the world stage this week with visits to Haiti and Mexico City. Her overarching message: Children can change the world. And she wants to make sure they have every opportunity to do so.

Students from Marefat High School in Kabul, Afghanistan and Constitution High School in Philadelphia, PA have collaborated on an unprecedented civic photography exhibition, Being "We the People": Afghanistan, America and the Minority Imprint...

As the world grapples with controlling the spread of nuclear weapons, it's a time of complex choices in a Middle East edging between possible confrontation with Iran and possible movement towards Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Last year, Brookings offered advice on how to con Cubans into accepting a "new" US policy to "advance the interests of the United States in seeking stable relationships based on common hemispheric values." Now, from the Brookings Institution, comes "U.S. Public Diplomacy for Cuba: Why It's Needed and How to Do It."

The House Foreign Affairs Committee is considering a bill that would enable the State Department to fund American research cooperation in the developing world -- including the Muslim world -- as a hedge against extremism.

In two fast-paced April days in Washington, the world took a big step out of the age of MAD and into an even madder age, when a dark vision of random nuclear terror will shadow our days for decades or more to come.

Another senior presidential aide emphasized the symbolic significance of South Korea's hosting of the event. "South Korea is directly involved in North Korea's nuclear crisis," said the official. "The idea of a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula can serve as a starting point of a nuclear-free Earth."
