us advisory commission on public diplomacy

The U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy's annual report provides an overview of American public diplomacy.
Last month, All Azimuth published an article by Bean and Comor titled "Data Driven Public Diplomacy: A Critical and Reflexive Assessment." As the scholars note, the rise of digital technologies, and the utilization of digital platforms in public diplomacy, has seen a greater emphasis on measuring public diplomacy activities and their ability to influence foreign populations. From big data sets to social media analytics, public diplomacy and its evaluation is indeed data-driven.

The former executive director of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy is the newest addition to the CPD board.

What is the state of U.S. public diplomacy today, and what are the challenges?

Five suggestions to keep U.S. public diplomacy relevant in the 21st century.