U.S. State Department

A new website merges community-building and professional advice.

This research project analyzed how U.S. public diplomacy has changed in the wake of the Benghazi attacks and will offer recommendations on how best to carry out core PD outreach and programs.
So far, American public diplomacy efforts directed at the North Korean people have remained almost entirely focused on radio broadcasting. [...] It is important to remember that the main focus would not be propaganda, but rather entertainment with an underlying goal to provide accurate, trustworthy information – the type of information can create change, particularly in such a closed-off environment.
The State Department, however, is not nearly as effective as it should be, to the detriment of American standing and effectiveness in the world. The Heritage Foundation’s Brett Schaefer details the steps that would better equip the State Department to focus on its traditional mission, and be of true value to future U.S. foreign policy.

Barry Sanders class aims to undermine the recruiting tactics of IS.
Ambassador Burns, the lead U.S. negotiator on the Iranian nuclear program, discusses the historic new deal.
David S. Jackson on the strange phenomenon of pro-Russian Internet commenters.
The U.S. Department of State and Major League Baseball are entering a new era of “diamond diplomacy” in the Western Hemisphere. In a renewed partnership with Major League Baseball, current professional baseball players will accompany Olympic softball stars to Colombia and Panama to serve as Sports Envoys. The U.S. Department of State recognizes the unique ability of America’s national pastime to connect with youth throughout the Western Hemisphere, as baseball enjoys an especially ardent following in Central and South America.