
Eriks Varpahovskis provides an overview of the diverse range of Korean educational institutions and programs throughout Central Asia.

Anna Velikaya discusses how Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan can present a new face to the world.
Being a crucial partner in IRCICA activities in Central Asia, Uzbekistan represents a crucial example in terms of the peaceful coexistence of various ethnicities and nationalities under the rubric of a truly multinational and multi-faith society. Hosting some of the greatest cultural and civilizational centers in the Islamic world, such as Bukhara and Samarqand, Uzbekistan is home to more than 130 ethnicities and nationalities.
The U.S. Department of State is collaborating with veteran ultra-marathon runner Dean Karnazes on a 12-day run along the Silk Road — an ancient trade route through Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan — as part of the department’s sports diplomacy program and which will commemorate the 25th anniversary of those countries’ independence from the Soviet Union.
Kyrgyzstan’s opposition has reportedly nixed plans to hold a large rally in the southern city of Osh amid stewing tensions on the border with Uzbekistan and an escalating public relations war with the government. [...] Prime Minister Temir Sariyev flew down to address the Kerben gathering, while nationalist opposition leader and all-round troublemaker Kamchibek Tashiyev, who donned military fatigues for the event, was warmly welcomed by the crowd after issuing calls to resolve the standoff with Tashkent through “people’s diplomacy.”
How do the Central Asian republics perceive Turkey? Do they view it as a trading partner or an economic rival, politically conservative or liberal, an Islamic state or secular regime, a close Asian neighbor or a distant Western satellite? Each of the Central Asian republics [...] shares many common trends and developments alongside distinctive political, economic and social characteristics that affect the development of the relationships with Turkey discussed in this article.
Experts gathered at a conference on “Regional Security and Stability in Central Asia: Key Challenges and Ways Forward” at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on 3 October. The event launched a series of NATO-supported events marking the 20th anniversary of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme in the Central Asian partner states.