
Last Friday, an official accompanying President Aquino in his state visit to Vietnam was criticized for comments posted on Twitter. Carmen Mislang, who holds the rank of assistant secretary in the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office, tweeted that the wine served at a dinner hosted by Vietnam "sucks"...

Vietnam and Japan on October 31 issued a joint statement on the comprehensive development of strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia during Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan’s visit to Vietnam.

Hillary Clinton is back in Vietnam, again. This is the secretary of state's second visit in four months, itself following a high-level visit two weeks ago by Robert Gates, U.S. secretary of defense. This time Clinton is in town for the East Asia Summit.

A cultural event themed “Holland village” is being held at the September 23 Park in Ho Chi Minh City from October 22 to 31.The event will introduce to Vietnamese the culture and customs of the people and country of the Netherlands.

October 17, 2010

After many wars and tears of sorrow and happiness, the capital of Vietnam celebrates its millennial anniversary. This month, the Thai government and the Thai embassy in Hanoi are also celebrating Hanoi's millennium by hosting various activities, including a Thai fruit and vegetable festival, a Thai food festival and concerts in King Ly Thai To Park.

The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) on September 28 launched a website which provides readers with Vietnam and world news in Chinese language at and

In addition to state diplomacy, there are also many other dynamic activities to accelerate relations between enterprises from Vietnam and Africa, and between Vietnamese and African people in the fields of culture, sports and education.

A live television programme linking the capital cities of Vietnam, Laos and France was broadcast on July 31 to mark President Ho Chi Minh’s 120th birthday and the 20th anniversary of UNESCO’s recognition of him as "a hero of national liberation and a great man of culture."
