Coaches and players often travel the globe -- Asia, Africa, Europe -- this time of year to spread the NBA gospel, promoting basketball camps that attract adoring youngsters eager to learn the game. Rarely do they find anything as diverse and far-reaching as they do in the little hamlet of Zofingen, Switzerland, which becomes a very popular basketball melting pot for two weeks every summer.
The second annual Global Model United Nations conference, bringing together hundreds of students from more than 60 countries, wrapped up in the Malaysian capital today with a call by a senior official from the world body for greater dialogue and understanding.
Eleven students and three staff members from a school in East Java, Indonesia, have visited Young [Australia] for a week. The school is one of three Indonesian sister schools to Young High School and the first to visit on cultural exchange.
Chinese International School (Singapore), after more than three years of exploration, innovation, construction and harvesting, has gained achievements and success. This shows that China's education, not only can go to the world, but also can contribute to upgrading of China's soft power, a school principal has said.
In addition to the enjoyable festival experience for the students, the organizers have set additional goals – branding Israel as an attractive tourism destination for students, improving Israel’s image among this target group and facilitating multi-cultural encounters for students from Israel and European countries.
It was a moment of sports diplomacy— two groups of boys separated by language, culture and food but united in their love for an American game that only recently has been exported to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
No fewer than 120 selected African youths, including three Nigerians, will participate in the United States President Barrack Obama’s 2010 Forum with Young African Leaders in Washington DC, in August, APA learns here.
Following a one-week orientation period in Jakarta, the students will spend three months in various cultural centers around the archipelago such as Bandung, Solo and Yogyakarta learning about Indonesian art, language and culture.