digital diplomacy

“Public Diplomacy in the News” is a CPD Blog series by Andrew Dubbins, featuring noteworthy recent stories in public diplomacy.

“Public Diplomacy in the News” is a CPD Blog series by Andrew Dubbins, featuring noteworthy recent stories in public diplomacy.

Recent trends in digitalized public diplomacy demonstrate that digital tools are increasingly used to undermine connectedness and to strengthen separateness.

CPD Research Fellow Zhao Alexandre Huang explores the narrative strategies of ASEAN countries regarding the South China Sea.

CPD Research Fellow Zhao Alexandre Huang explores China's narrative strategies.

Bangladeshi Government could leverage social media accounts and engage in domestic digital diplomacy to garner public support for its foreign policies.

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, memes have emerged as powerful tools for public diplomacy, demanding cultural acumen and creativity.

January 11, 2024

Principal Investigator:
Alexander Evans, CPD Research Fellow 2024-26
