
How governments, NGOs, embassies, and nonprofits can better manage their digital presence.

At the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) we research and analyze the ways organizations use social media and digital tools. In our efforts and collaborations, we’ve identified some top tactics that can benefit any organization. [...] How can you sustain your expanded network and leverage social media to maximum benefit in building a stronger and more engaged community?

Twitter Profiles of World Leaders

Burson-Marsteller has released its second annual Twiplomacy study.

May 31, 2017
May 31, 2016

LinkedIn members are able to showcase their passion for specific causes and organizations on their Profile, making social impact a part of their professional identity. And it turns out that volunteering is good for your career. In fact, one of five hiring managers in the U.S.

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo is visiting China this week, and it is tempting to view the trip as the first step in a campaign to get his company inside the world’s most populous nation. After all, Twitter is struggling to add users, so it could stand to access a market of 600 million people connected to the internet.

On a day when President Obama told delegates at the United Nations that he welcomed the opportunity posed by diplomatic overtures from Iran’s new president, Israeli diplomats in Washington sounded a very different note online, mocking the moderate cleric as scarcely different from his predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.