
Read about the Trump administration's handling of the BBG/VOA, Russian disinformation, and our newest CPD research fellows in this month's roundup.
Tulsa Global Alliance (TGA) is working to enhance Tulsa’s reputation as an international hub, says Bob Lieser, vice president of programs for TGA. One way the group is doing that is through its many exchange programs, which enable Tulsans “to make powerful friends in vital countries,” he says.
Often, those of us who study public diplomacy forget about the hard work put forth daily by thousands of U.S. volunteers working as citizen diplomats. The activities of organizations such as Sister Cities International and the National Council for International Visitors not to mention the Fulbright Scholar Exchanges, are great examples of citizen diplomacy in action across America every day.

Often, those of us who study public diplomacy forget about the hard work put forth daily by thousands of U.S. volunteers working as citizen diplomats.