People, Places, Power - Episode 11: Migration Nations | USC Center on Public Diplomacy

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Photo: Children inside a classroom at Za’atri refugee camp, host to tens of thousands of Syrians displaced by conflict, near Mafraq, Jordan by United Nations Photo/Mark Garten via Flickr.

People, Places, Power - Episode 11: Migration Nations

Jun 18, 2021


Note from the CPD Blog Manager: This post features the podcast People, Places, Power co-hosted by CPD Faculty Fellow Nicholas J. Cull and Good Country Index founder Simon Anholt. The podcast is produced by USC Master of Public Diplomacy 2021 alum Anna Podkowski and features Cull and Anholt in weekly discussion on international reputation, foreign policy and related issues along the way. Future episodes will cover populism, digital disruption, specific nations and more.

Photo: Children inside a classroom at Za’atri refugee camp, host to tens of thousands of Syrians displaced by conflict, near Mafraq, Jordan by United Nations Photo/Mark Garten via Flickr.   

Previously: Ep. 1: Biden's America | Ep. 2: Brexit Britain | Ep. 3: In Search of the Good Leader | Ep. 4: The European Union | Ep. 5: What Price Monarchy? | Ep. 6:  Cities and International Image | Ep. 7: Mega Events? Buyer Beware. | Ep. 8: Germany: From Pariah to Paragon | Ep. 9: Culture: Decorative or Useful? | Ep. 10: Can Individuals Make a Difference?

Episode 11: Migration Nations

The episode probes the challenge of migration for the image and reality of nation states. Issues include treatment of migrants as a component of a 'good' image, with special note of the disproportionate role taken by Turkey and Jordan. Simon muses that the Swedish far right may be negatively branding their own country to deter migration. Nick recalls the benefits of unintended exchanges that arise from the positive treatment of refugees. The episode considers the experience of countries known for sending migrants and the potential for diaspora diplomacy campaigns. The episode ends with a discussion of the risk to image for countries unwilling to accept migrants and most especially for Japan.


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