A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
Rwanda: Japanese Volunteers Hold Cultural Festival
Asako Kato, one of the volunteers serving as a teacher at the Kimironko-based centre, said that the event particularly targeted local communities interested in understanding the relationship between the Rwandan and Japanese cultures.
War of Culture Promoters in Georgia
Great Britain, France and Germany are the most active in promoting their cultural relations with Georgia, according to The Financial’s study. British Council, Goethe-Institute Georgia and A. Dumas Centre conducted the majority of cultural awareness events since 2008. Germany generally spends the most.
India, Oman sign MoU on cultural cooperation
The MoU seeks to encourage exchange of visits by the cultural, art and literature delegations. To promote cultural relations on heritage, including archaeology, museums and conservation of the ancient monuments.
The difficulties in Sino-European relations
There has been much talk on the European side about developing a grand strategy for dealing with a more assertive China. In many ways, China will be the ultimate litmus test for Europe’s new foreign policy.
Best Thing for State Department Since General Marshall
Mattis is one of the "outliers" -- one of the few top commanders who understand that America's enemies will not be defeated in a pitched battle on a field, but rather through the slow change of hearts and minds around dinner tables and tribal councils in countries in conflict.
U.S. State Department to host South Asian teenagers
This week the United States will welcome South Asian teenagers to the State Departments under the “Seeds of Peace” programme... Founded in 1993 by journalist John Wallach, Seeds of Peace describes itself as being dedicated to empowering young leaders from regions of conflict...
Digital Diplomacy
Jared Cohen, the youngest member of the State Department’s policy planning staff, and Alec Ross, the first senior adviser for innovation to the secretary of state, were taking their tweeting very seriously...
A Beloved Bollywood Extra Draws Indians
For years, Bollywood’s producers and directors have favored the pristine backdrop of Switzerland for their films... In the process, they have created an enormous curiosity about things Swiss in generations of middle-class Indians, who are now earning enough to travel here in search of their dreams.
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