A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Balkan Express in Bulgaria

The Balkan Express departed from Ankara last week and will travel throughout the Balkans to improve relations between Turkey and Southeastern European countries during a 50-day trip.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, media, europe, turkey, non-state pd, balkans

New wave of pop culture redefines Korea

“Soft power” challenged Korea’s traditional development paradigm. From the 1960s, authoritarian governments had placed absolute primacy on economic growth. Social and political development was de-prioritized as the entire nation was hitched to an economic locomotive that would convey Korea to the terminus of “advanced nations.”

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, nation branding, public opinion, south korea, korea

Bureaucracy Stymies Pro-Kremlin Youth Retreat

Numerous young people, mostly university students in their 20s from diverse countries, including the United States, Germany and Pakistan, accepted invitations to the retreat and bought plane tickets, eager to explore Russia and to meet their Russian counterparts.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, russia, cultural exchange, youth, internet diplomacy, cultural understanding, visas

Turkey backs off threats to sever ties with Israel

Later on Monday, however, a spokesman for the Turkish government told the Reuters news agency that Davutoglu had been misquoted in the newspaper reports. The official claimed that Davutoglu actually said that relations with Israel would not improve if an apology was not issued.

Tags: israel, turkey, gaza, gaza flotilla, gaza aid

EU Using Soft Power in Zimbabwe

The 27-nation European Union (EU) has provided the landlocked country in the southern part of the continent of Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers, 180 million Euros for health, education, food security and governance.

Tags: soft power, public opinion, europe, european union, zimbabwe

Muslim Social Networks Inside Russia Increasingly Diverse

In the post-Soviet period, the social networks within Russia’s Muslim community have become increasingly intense and diverse, reflecting both broader social and political changes and efforts by various groups within Islam to unite believers for one or another purpose, according to an analysis posted on the Islamnews.ru portal.

Tags: social media, russia, new technology, non-state pd, new media, muslim, social networks


Accompanied by a trade mission of over 30 senior executives and leading companies from South Africa’s mining, metals and capital equipment sectors, the first of four sectors to be profiled during the promotion, the delegation has arrived in Shanghai to introduce investment opportunities in South Africa, identify opportunities in China and enhance existing trading activities.

Tags: china, shanghai expo, south africa, brand south africa

Foreign exchange

Delhi University, while realising the importance of an international exposure, is keen on casting its net wide. It has signed many MoUs with universities and colleges abroad for student and faculty exchange programmes.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, india, cultural exchange


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