A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Will Narendra Modi's Economic Diplomacy Work?

It is India's ability to wrestle such nitty-gritty that will form the basis of success or failure of Modi's big economic diplomacy push. 

Tags: narendra modi, india, economic diplomacy, CAD, china, foreign relations, foreign economic policy

US Military Aircraft Arriving in Liberia for Ebola Aid Efforts

“Two different flights of MV-22 Osprey and KC-130 aircraft, along with U.S. Marines, will arrive to support the whole-of-government effort to contain Ebola,” U.S. Army Capt. R. Carter Langston told The Associated Press in an email. They were to land later Thursday at Roberts Airfield outside the Liberian capital, Monrovia.

Tags: ebola, liberia, united states, us military, international aid

Pritzker Practices 'Commercial Diplomacy' in Ukraine, Turkey

U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker isn't afraid to travel to hot spots. Recently returned from a mission that took her to Ukraine, Poland, and Turkey, she is ready to enter another volatile area if she thinks her style of "commercial diplomacy" can make a difference.

Tags: U.S. Commerce Secretary, united states, ukraine, commercial diplomacy, Penny Pritzker, international engagement

A Bid to Revive Some Amour

Mr. Baudry, the cultural counselor for the French Embassy, is presenting a gift in two packages to his adopted city. The first is a bookstore, Albertine, named after the elusive love object of Proust’s “Remembrance of Things Past.”(...)The second is Festival Albertine, a six-night celebration of ideas that begins on Tuesday, matching French and American thinkers and writers in a wide variety of fields (...)

Tags: france, French Embassy, new york, Cultural Diplomacy, Festival Albertine

Serbia Considers Introducing Turkish Language Classes

The Association of Turks in Serbia has, due to the great interest of its members, launched an initiative for the introduction of the Turkish language in Serbian schools as an elective course starting in the fifth grade.

Tags: serbia, turkey, Association of Turks in Serbia, language rights, Cultural Diplomacy

Kaiser Permanente Gives $1 Million to Help West Africa Fight Ebola

Kaiser Permanente has donated $1 million to two international aid groups to support "direct medical care and safe clinical treatment practices" in West Africa, its first major donation to help halt the spread of the virus.

Tags: international aid, Kaiser Pemanente, west africa, ebola, corporate social responsibility

Cambridge Donation from China: 10 Questions University Must Answer

The news that Cambridge representatives held a series of one-to-one meetings with Wen Ruchun, the daughter of the former Chinese prime minister Wen Jiabao, raises profound and disturbing questions about the integrity of British academia and the reach of China's soft-power machine.

Tags: Cambridge, china, soft power, Chong Hua, Wen Ruchun

What the West Can Learn from the Ukraine Crisis

There’s also been potentially catastrophic damage to the West’s influence and credibility. The US is accused of over-prioritizing and withdrawing attention and resources from Eastern Europe; it’s an open question whether the EU is an effective foreign policy actor at all. 

Tags: west, ukraine, patriotism, eastern europe, social media, soft power, coarse power


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