A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

West, Arab Nations Take Aim to Stop Islamic State

Moving to end the Islamic State’s reign of terror in the Middle East, several nations are weighing hard-power, military options as well as soft-power propaganda tactics to dismantle the extremist army, discredit its ideology and discourage foreign recruits from its influence.

Tags: isis, hard power, soft power, smart power, informational propaganda, united states, saudi arabia

China's Leading Steel Maker to Set Up Plant in South Africa

China's largest steel maker Hebei Iron & Steel Group is planning to set up ahigh-volume joint venture in South Africa.  The first phase of the project with a three-million-ton capacity will start construction in 2015and be put into use in 2017. The second phase with two million tons of capacity will startproduction in 2019. The project is expecting a total annual capacity of five million tons upon completion.

Tags: international development, china, south africa, economic cooperation

China, Arab Culture Ministers Gather in Beijing

There is a famous saying in the Quran "Seeking knowledge, even as far as China". And the great ancient Chinese thinker Confucius once said: "Studying alone without friends results in a shallow and narrow mind". For thousands of years, the two great civilizations of Arab and Chinese developed through constant exchanges.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural relations, arab, cultural exchange, beijing

What the World Thinks of Obama’s Plan to Fight the Islamic State

On Wednesday evening, just before the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that have shaped modern American history, President Obama gave a speech that outlined a plan for fighting the Islamic State extremist group.  Here's some of the reaction from a selection of countries.

Tags: isis, united states, barack obama, U.S. foreign policy, public opinion, global opinion

Confucius Says

Intended to boost China’s “soft power”, the centres take the name of the peace-espousing sage. They tap into growing global demand for Chinese-language teaching. But they are also fuelling anxiety about academic freedom.

Tags: soft power, china, confucius institutes, Cultural Diplomacy, language diplomacy

Gates Foundation Charity to Spend $50m on Fighting Ebola in West Africa

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said on Wednesday it would spend $40m – on top of $10m already committed – to support the emergency response to west Africa's Ebola outbreak – the group's largest donation yet to a humanitarian effort. "It became clear to us over the last 7 to 10 days that the pace and scope of the epidemic was increasing significantly," Chris Elias, president of global development for the world's largest charitable foundation, told Associated Press.

Tags: bill & melinda gates foundation, global aid, west africa, ebola, medical aid, non-state actors

Hoba Hoba Spirit Opens DC Leg of US Tour at Kennedy Center’s Millenium Stage

“Morocco appreciates the State Department’s Center Stage program which contributes so much to international cultural understanding,” said Mr. Alaoui.  “We welcome all of these energetic ambassadors of Moroccan culture, such as Hoba Hoba Spirit, to the US and wish them well on their tour.” The tour is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State in conjunction with the New England Foundation for the Arts as part of the Center Stage program. 

Tags: hoba hoba spirit, music diplomacy, united states, morocco, Cultural Diplomacy, us department of state

China's TV War Machine

The government has ordered TV stations to increase the airing of “patriotic” shows, of which anti-Japan dramas are exhibit No. 1. On Aug. 15, the anniversary of Japan’s surrender, a headline in the Global Times, a party newspaper, said, “Prime time TV to be more anti-fascist.” China has a long tradition of producing war movies for propaganda purposes, mostly good-versus-evil dramas drawn from the all-too-real and brutal war against Japan. 

Tags: propaganda, china, japan, nationalism, government pd, patriotic tv


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