A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Nirupama Rao encourages career as diplomat

"India will be one of the leading economies in the world in the future with our intellectual capital and other inherent capacities. Hence, India's renewed efforts will help us project a strong and independent profile in global affairs. As a career diplomat, I have been seeing our country's growth in all spheres for the last three decades," said Nirupama Rao, secretary of external affairs, in Manipal.

Tags: india, nirupama rao

Turkey courts Russia, way to go with Armenia

Increasingly growing ties between Russia and Turkey continued this year, as cooperation and partnership in the energy sector became dominant themes in the programs of both countries. While Moscow has skillfully taken advantage of Turkey’s desire to become an energy hub through signing energy deals with its southern neighbor in recent years, rivalry continues in both countries’ backyard, the volatile South Caucasus.

Tags: government pd, russia, turkey

US revokes Venezuelan envoy’s visa

The US has revoked the visa of Venezuela's ambassador to Washington, in retaliation for President Hugo Chavez's rejection of a nominated US envoy, Larry Palmer, who is critical of the Venezuelan government, the US State Department said Wednesday.

Tags: united states, government pd, venezuela, ambassadors

Austria and Qatar sign tax, air transport accords

Austria and Qatar have boosted their bilateral relations with agreements on double taxation and air transport. While one accord ensures that income and capital aren't taxed twice, the other provides the basis for future negotiations on, among other things, the number of flights between the two countries.

Tags: non-state pd, qatar, aviation diplomacy, austria

Obama Bypasses Senate To Name New Envoys

President Barack Obama has bypassed the usual process of confirmation by the Senate and directly appointed four new U.S. ambassadors whose nominations had been stalled or blocked by lawmakers for months.

Tags: united states, government pd, barack obama, ambassadors

Kenyan study on internet use reveals a need for more business presence online

Late in 2010, TNS released a Kenya digital study as part of a three month study of the habits of online Africans. In Kenya it involved 800 interviews – 400 online, 400 face-to-face and tried to answer various questions like – who is online? What are people doing online? How can brands connect? What messaging/digital communication channels are best?

Tags: new technology, non-state pd, kenya

What 2011 Will Look Like for Citizen Diplomacy

There are reasons to believe this next year will usher in an increased period of time of citizen diplomacy. We are indeed likely to see a jump in the amount of citizen to citizen diplomacy. Through the use of new media and incorporating traditional forms to breaking down barriers of communication between people.

Tags: new technology, non-state pd, citizen diplomacy

World music Israeli style: Idan Raichel Project

"If I got an invitation to perform from the president of Syria or the prime minister of Lebanon, I would be the first to go," says Idan Raichel, one of Israel's biggest-selling musicians. Right now that seems like a highly unlikely prospect, given the hostile relations between Israel and its neighbours to the north.

Tags: israel, music diplomacy


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