A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Danon Warns That Palestinians Will Have ‘Facebook State’

The Knesset's Immigration, Absorption and Public Diplomacy Committee met Tuesday to discuss Israel's response to the recent recognition of a Palestinian state by Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, and Ecuador.

Tags: government pd, israel, palestine, brazil, argentina, bolivia, ecuador

Pakistani gunman becomes Facebook folk hero

Salman Taseer, the governor of Pakistan's Punjab province, was gunned down by one of his bodyguards today in a crowded marketplace -- the highest-profile killing in Pakistan since the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the latest blow to the country's beleaguered civilian government.

Tags: soft power, pakistan, social media, facebook

Smart power is critical to US military success

The United States lost an exceptional public servant last month with the passing of Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, and I lost a friend and mentor. I came to know Holbrooke during the negotiations that ended the war in Bosnia and brought a diplomatic solution to a war-torn people.

Tags: united states, government pd, smart power, military

Wikileaks and Latin America: New Revelations, Same Policies

In one respect, media coverage of the WikiLeaks release of classified American cables has resembled American diplomacy itself: lots of attention paid to conflict zones (Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Gulf) and economic competitors (Europe, China), but not a whole lot of interest in less restive, less threatening locales. Latin America, for example.

Tags: united states, government pd, wikileaks, latin america

The True Nature of Faith in a Globalized World

The number of people proclaiming their faith worldwide is growing. This is clearly so in the Islamic world. Whereas Europe's birthrate is stagnant, the Arab population is set to double in the coming decades, and the population will rise in many Asian Muslim-majority countries.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, faith diplomacy, non-state pd, religion

NBC Drops Voice of America

Last month, NBC announced it had bought the Voice of America, as we noted at the time. NBC planned to use the name for a weekly musical series that will premiere on the network in a few months to compete with "American Idol." We also speculated that even sophisticated viewers here and in other countries might confuse the NBC "Voice of America" musical with that other Voice of America, the U.S. government's international broadcaster.

Tags: united states, international broadcasting, voice of america, bbg, broadcasting, nbc

Peace-building in Nepal

In today’s world, track two diplomacy and multi-track diplomacy are well recognized for their role in establishing peace. Now, numerous degree granting programs, NGOs, government agencies, and the United Nations have emerged as important agencies to reduce violent conflicts.

Tags: public opinion, non-state actors, civil society, nepal, peace, non-governmental organizations, track two diplomacy

Pak football team’s tour of Palestine stirs uproar

The itinerary of Pakistani football team’s proposed tour of Palestine in a few months time has generated a controversy among Islamists and political leaders who fear the tour will be used as cover up for another back channel secret diplomacy between Islamabad and Tel Aviv.

Tags: pakistan, public opinion, non-state actors, israel, sports diplomacy, palestine, football


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