A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Der Standard: Turkish Soap Operas Emerge as Geopolitical Instrument

Turkish soap operas have conquered the Balkans reversing Turkey's negative image with the Balkan nations from the time of the Ottoman yoke, according to Austrian paper Der Standard. Turkey's film industry is not only making money from the showing of its soaps in Balkan countries... but it is also helping out the Turkish diplomacy, the newspaper says in an article entitled "Ottoman Television Runs Like Clockwork."

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, media, international broadcasting, public opinion, turkey, image building, balkans, television diplomacy

American brings skateboarding diplomacy to Cuba

Economic shortages and the U.S. embargo make it difficult to get most sporting equipment there. For skateboarders, it was nearly impossible. "We both said right away, 'We are going there,' " Lecour recalled.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, non-state pd, sports diplomacy, cuba

Video: Kurdistan’s Booming Economy

In this video, we visit one of the showcases of that Turkish penetration across the border into Iraq’s semi autonomous Kurdish region, at the glitziest shopping mall in the Kurdish enclave.

Tags: soft power, turkey, iraq, economy, kurdistan, kurds

Museum Hosts Musical Instruments Of 200 Countries

With roughly 10,000 instruments from more than 200 countries, the place would have been cacophonous if they were all playing out loud. Instead, wireless headphones activate when you walk up to a display, which has the instrument itself as well as a video showing a musician playing it in its native setting.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors

Confucius, TCM best represent Chinese culture

What are your first thoughts about symbols of Chinese culture? The Great Wall, the Bird's Nest or Peking opera? A survey among 2,000 college students shows that Confucius, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and former chairman Mao Zedong broke into the top 10 Chinese cultural icons among the 270 candidates.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, confucius institutes, commonwealth games, confucius institutes project

The American Perspective on Hard and Soft Power

Americans bring some distinctively American perspectives to the employment of different instruments of power, hard and soft.

Tags: united states, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy

US deal with Afghan tribe promises to reduce Taliban strikes

An agreement between a prominent local tribe and US and Afghan forces in one of the most contested areas of Afghanistan to help stop Taliban attacks could mark an important moment in the war.

Tags: united states, government pd, afghanistan, military, taliban

Paul McCartney urges India to declare vegetarian day

Outspoken vegetarian Paul McCartney is urging India to declare a national Vegetarian Day to celebrate meat-free living and compassion toward animals

Tags: india, non-state pd, gastrodiplomacy, celebrity diplomacy


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