A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

In Persian Gulf, Clinton says damage from WikiLeaks deep

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in the Middle East for meetings with Persian Gulf leaders, acknowledged Sunday that it would take years to undo the damage caused by the WikiLeaks revelations, likening her recent travels to an extended "apology tour" to reassure allies who suffered embarrassment or worse because of the disclosures.

Tags: united states, middle east, public opinion, wikileaks, gulf states

A 21st century brand beacon for Malta

There has been a lot of debate about the City Gate project by architect Renzo Piano. Will it disturb the historic majesty of Valletta or will it, like the futuristic pyramid of I.M. Pei at the Louvre in Paris, become an iconic monument for the city − a 21st century brand beacon?

Tags: nation branding, public opinion, europe, city branding, architecture, malta

Parentage goes ‘gender neutral’ on passport form

Goodbye, Mom and Dad. Hello, Parent One and Parent Two. The State Department has decided to make U.S. passport application forms "gender neutral" by removing references to mother and father, officials said, in favor of language that describes one's parentage somewhat less tenderly.

Tags: united states, us department of state, passport

As world power shifts, will US reassess its ‘exceptional’ status?

After two centuries of economic growth and increasing world influence, America has come to view itself as a nation apart. Other countries - France, Great Britain, Germany, Russia - may have been great powers. But the US has historically seen itself as an exceptional power - one destined to lead the others into a globalized era of democratic peace, underpinned by a universal network of free trade.

Tags: united states, us department of state, passport

More Indian cultural centres to showcase soft power: PM

India will set up cultural centres in five more countries to showcase its soft power and acquire a global footprint for its rich diversity, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said here Saturday.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, india

Tweeting for God and country

For those confused about the direction of Turkish foreign policy, good news is at hand. Every twist and every turn, we are promised, will be able to be condensed into a microblog of 140 characters and posted on Twitter.

Tags: social media, turkey, twitter

Restarting the Start Up Nation

I had breakfast this week with one of my heroes, Saul Singer, who, along with Dan Senor, authored the best selling book on Israel's entrepreneurial culture, StartUp Nation. Saul and Dan single-handedly (or, shall I say, two-handedly) changed Israel's branding globally, framing Israel as a unique, fertile environment for entrepreneurship and breakthrough cross-disciplinary discoveries.

Tags: nation branding, israel

Drive to reinvigorate tired Welsh brand

The Welsh brand must be reinvigorated to tackle negative perceptions of the country, Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones told business leaders in London last night. The Assembly Government’s office in London will be overhauled as part of an effort to banish damaging stereotypes and the search is on for a follow- up event to last year’s Ryder Cup.

Tags: nation branding, united kingdom, wales


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