A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Folk dances from Ecuador cast their spell

The ethnic cultural diversity of the South American nation of Ecuador came to life in the Indian capital with a colourful showcase of music and dances based on the indigenous folklores and social mores of the country.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india, non-state actors, dance, ecuador

Growing Turkish Influence Among Gagauz Threatens Russian Interests

Turkey’s use of “soft power” among the 250,000 Gagauz living in the former Soviet space...represents a growing threat to Russian interests not just in Moldova but across the entire Black Sea region, according to a Russian analyst.

Tags: soft power, public opinion, russia, turkey, moldova

Cyberteeth Bared

2010 was the year that removed all doubt that cybersecurity is now a geopolitical problem. We learned from diplomatic cables exposed by WikiLeaks that from Europe to the Middle East to China and beyond, Washington is having an even tougher time than we thought getting what it wants.

Tags: public opinion, new technology, wikileaks, google, internet diplomacy, blackberry

Q&A: Inaction not an option for actress and activist Mia Farrow

Mia Farrow is an acclaimed actress and humanitarian activist who, for the past 10 years, has served as a Goodwill Ambassador to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF)... Recently, she completed a personal project to match photographs taken during her travels to the John Lennon song, "Imagine." The video can be seen on YouTube.

Tags: new technology, united nations, youth, celebrity diplomacy, youtube, unicef

Iraq’s North Seen as Next Trouble Spot

Now that Iraq's lawmakers have come together to form a government, ending a stalemate that left the country rudderless for months, U.S. diplomats are focusing on another divide—ethnic tensions in the north that threaten to rip the country asunder.

Tags: middle east, iraq, conflict resolution, arab, kurds

China’s UnSexy Watchword

Foreign policy wonks love chasing the ‘Kennan Prize’—a parlour game that seeks to whittle down US foreign policy strategies to bumper-sticker size slogans. George Kennan won the first—and only—trophy when he cabled DC from the Embassy in Moscow detailing plans to contain Soviet Communisms expansion. Et voila, ‘containment’ was slapped on car fenders everywhere.

Tags: china, soft power, joseph nye

Azerbaijan’s economy preserves regional leadership in 2010

In the past seven years the salaries and pensions in Azerbaijan have grown 5-6 times on average, poverty rate dropped four times - Elnur Aslanov.

Tags: soft power, azerbaijan

India is new top stop for world leaders seeking deals

A host of world leaders trooped into India over the last few months, including Russia's president on Tuesday, to strengthen relations with Asia's third-largest economy, attracted by its booming market and growing diplomatic heft.

Tags: soft power, india, emerging economies


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