A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Young Activists Use Music, Graffiti to Push for Democracy in Burma

Burma's oppressive military government has for decades spurred activists across the globe to protest to politicians and in front of Burma's embassies. Demonstrations inside Burma are rare as they carry heavy penalties. However, one group of young activists is taking risks to encourage their generation to push for democracy.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, youth, democracy, burma

Six nations decline invitation to Liu Nobel gala

Six countries declined invitations to the December 10 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo after an unprecedented campaign by China to sabotage attendance, the Norwegian Nobel Committee told Reuters.

Tags: china, government pd, public opinion, nobel peace prize

In Turkey, Kurdish writers once needed pseudonyms. Now they have a master’s program.

The first graduate program in Kurdish language and culture is a rare bright spot in Turkey's initiative to improve the cultural rights of its Kurdish minority, whose language was banned for decades.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, turkey, education diplomacy, kurds

New Partnership with Academic Institutions Launched at UN

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon kicked off a new initiative Thursday, the UN Academic Impact (UNAI), which partners institutions of higher education with the UN in order to generate innovative ideas for peace and development.

Tags: united nations, education diplomacy

The Arts as an International Force for Change

World governments are increasingly excited about the economic power of the arts and the value of cultural exchange in a changing world. Because the prodigious levels of government support in Europe and Asia are diminishing, they want to better understand our American advocacy techniques.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, art diplomacy

Our Summer in Tehran Film Screening at the Summit

The film was inspiring and profound, and presented the true colors of citizen diplomacy as a connecting force between people of different nations, cultural systems, and religious identities.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, iran, non-state actors, non-state pd, film diplomacy

Opening Plenary of the U.S. Summit & Initiative for Global Citizen Diplomacy (Speech)

Last week I was in Prague, meeting with young leaders from across Central Europe and other young leaders from the United States. Before that, I was in Dubai attending a conference of young entrepreneurs from across the Middle East and their American counterparts. This is indeed citizen diplomacy at work.

Tags: united states, public opinion, non-state actors, non-state pd, citizen diplomacy, judith mchale

Clinton seeks revamp of State, USAID

The plan would create bureaus for international energy affairs and crisis and conflict operations at State as well as offices for policy planning and science and technology at USAID.

Tags: united states, hillary clinton, us department of state, usaid


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