A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

British Council in Beijing

Following British Prime Minister David Cameron and his country's biggest-ever delegation to China last week, Vernon Ellis, chair of the British Council, shared his vision towards cooperation with China in terms of culture and education with the Global Times Thursday in Beijing.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, british council

Pakistani Peace Builders Turn Cultural Diplomacy to Flood Relief

When Pakistani Americans Mahnaz Fancy and Zeyba Rahman launched Pakistani Peace Builders (PPB) in May, they did so to bring Pakistani music and heritage to American audiences. An independent cultural diplomacy campaign, PPB aimed to counteract stereotypes and misperceptions of Pakistanis that Fancy and Rahman saw becoming more prominent.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, pakistan, non-state actors, non-state pd, pakistan flooding

A musical plea for better Iraqi-US relations

Iraq is back in the news, making headlines for the horrific attack on a Baghdad Catholic church that left 58 dead. It is yet another event that has widened the gap in American-Iraqi understanding and one that, for me, only reinforces the need for more opportunities for exchange and interaction between our two countries.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, iraq

EMU celebrates International Week, aims to broaden cultural awareness

Asuka Nakata wanted to study aviation management, but no universities in her native Japan offered a quality, affordable program, so she evaluated her options.Her sister, living in the village of Manchester in southwest Washtenaw County, recommended looking into Eastern Michigan University.

Tags: cultural exchange, educational exchange, study abroad

Turkey-Iran relations: Friends or Foes?

In the recent days, controversial Turkey-Iran relations come to the fore. According to Turkish Today’s Zaman Newspaper, Iran offered to resume nuclear talks with the United States and other world powers on Nov. 15 after pushing for a shift of venue to Turkey. “The P5+1 -- the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany -- had earlier offered talks on Nov. 15-17 in Vienna.

Tags: soft power, iran, turkey, cultural relations

Impact Abroad Selected as Top Program by U. S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy & U.S. Dept of Statate

The International Voluntary Service Task Force will look at innovative volunteering projects based in the U.S and abroad with a view to not only increase the number of Americans participating in international service but also the effectiveness of the volunteers through services of non-profit organizations, religious institutions, and professional associations abroad.

Tags: citizen diplomacy, educational exchange, study abroad

Nation Branding and Nation Image

Nation or country branding is about using strategic marketing to promote different aspects of a country’s identity. Country branding implies that countries behave in many ways like commercial and corporate brands.

Tags: nation branding, ghana

Embassies turn to microblogs for grass-roots diplomacy

Some of the first-hand accounts of British Prime Minister David Cameron's visit to China last week did not come in the form of media reports or in postings on news portals, but in a microblog by the British embassy in Beijing, the The Beijing News daily reported Sunday.

Tags: china, government pd, united kingdom, technology, blogging


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